December 31, 2008


And I thought Georgia was cold. Check out this picture very closely. That's right! Nearly -9° outside and 56.5° inside. I'm ready to go home!

December 30, 2008

well a little coffee

Greetings from South Dakota burrs!
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December 23, 2008

Starting to get crowded around here!

So get this, another one of my relatives decided to drop by. Meet third cousin, Troy. Troy tends to be the daydreamer in the group. He likes to stop by for a free meal, and share his thoughts about what he's about to create. He's a good story teller. When Troy starts one of his stories, we all drop whatever we're doing and just listen for the punchline. Oh, and he's got some dousies! You should hear the one about the thunderbird and the black bear.

Meet my cousin, Woody Jr.

So my long lost cousin, Woody Jr., arrived unexpectedly yesterday. Between you and me, Woody Jr. and I haven't had the best of relationship. He's the one who is always pulling pranks on me. Not sure I'll ever forget the time when Woody Jr. decided it would be fun if we went snipe hunting. I'm getting torqued off just thinking about that experience.

Aww Great!!!!. The Family has arrived!

Well, I wonder how long they're going to be here. Can I pack them all back on a plane for home on Christmas day? That would be my Christmas wish.

thanks denise for woody jr. - when is he leaving?

December 6, 2008

Gators win the SEC

Aww poor Bulldogs!
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December 3, 2008

So honey, what you doing later

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December 2, 2008


I'm frozen in Georgia because Mr. Troy keeps forgetting to take me with on his adventures. A little birdie told me that Mr. Troy is in Miami right now and I'm trapped in the frigid icebox of an apartment. Do these people not believe in heat? Even the plants are dying because of the extreme cold. C'mon people, turn up the heat!

November 16, 2008

Aww Crap Edwards wins

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welcome to Homested

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Tailgating at Homested.

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November 15, 2008

Wow Montoya is 2nd

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OH Yeah!

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Homested Rocks!

Thanks Kimberly for the tickets. did I mention they snuck me in Tanyas bag. I love traveling for free. Yes I would like some peanuts.
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November 14, 2008

Homested here we come!

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November 8, 2008

It's about forgiveness.

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November 3, 2008


Oh dear - I have had a very traumatizing weekend. I can barely type due to my trembling fingers. My mind keeps replaying the ordeal in grave detail. It was absolutely horrible; truly I am a mess.

Let me begin by saying I do not enjoy bad losers. It all began to go down hill when I heard screaming, jeering and cheering. I've watched some family rivalries, but these people are over the top. Troy is a relentless, die-hard Florida Gators fan. Now, hear me when I say, I like some football, and the Gators are my team too, but I am not willing to go to the extremes that Mr. Troy Brown goes to. Then there is Troy's sister, Mandy. She is a die-hard, even more relentless Georgia Bulldog fan.

And somehow I became the victim of their rivalry.

This is where it all becomes a little blurry, but from my memory, I remember Mandy taking me into a cold, back room, trying a chain around my neck, and leaving me for the grim reaper to have his way with my soul.

Through my falling in and out of unconsciousness, I heard Troy in the other room talking about a ransom note.

I must have blanked out at this point.

The next thing I remember is seeing Troy unbound me from that horrible chain.

November 2, 2008

Gators Rock!

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October 31, 2008

Traveling in NC today

I think we're stopping for ice cream.

October 29, 2008

Wow I fit in the cup holder!

This is my seat when I'm traveling with Sally and Troy. It's certainly not the best seat in place, but it will due for now. My heart leaps for joy when I see Sally. She's a beaut. And that means we are going somewhere. I love going places!

The part that gets a little much for me is all that talk radio. Wish I could find a way to turn that dang thing off. I get so tired of hearing those some people talk about the elections, the economy, and oil prices. Troy insists this is what we listen to, so I go along.

I'm ready for Homestead

I'm gearing up for a big fun with Troy and Tanya in a couple of weeks. There's a nascar race in Miami and we are going. Supposedly there's someone named Kimberly who I've heard lots of stories about, and she's going to the race also. So far what I know about Kimberly I really like. She's love to fly, likes Sara Palin, and she travels more than me. That's impressive. Never know when she and I will hook up for an adventure to China. I hear she has some vested interest in getting Bibles into that country.

There's another guy I hear lots about. His name is Al. Apparently his kid likes to use his cell phone. I wonder when I'll get to meet that guy? He sounds like a good fellow. What I know about Al is that he must send the funniest emails, because when Troy reads emails from Al, he's always busting out laughing and rolling on the floor. Wish I had internet access so I could go check out JibJab.

Phillies win!

World series
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Palin for President

Do I need to say more?


Troy is the greatest! Really, he is. Today he took me over to one of my favorite stores: Tractor Supply. This store happens to be in Braselton, Ga. There's nothing like getting out on the open road and traveling with Sally - the big white truck. I think Sally and I will be the best for friends. Oh, and Troy, he's an alright driver, too!


Hi. I'm Andy. Actually I'm 'Andrew Brown, the traveling gnome' but I go by Andy. I've recently been adopted by the most intriguing couple, Troy and Tanya Brown. See below for a picture of Troy and me. That guy was really excited to meet me. Can't you see from the smile on his face?

After introductions Troy allowed me to share a drink with him. What a great guy! I love being part of this family. In my humble opinion, this new family is working out g-r-e-a-t!

This is a little about me: I love to travel. Get me near a suitcase and I'll slip aboard. I love to rave about my travels. Put me on your desk when you get back and I'll sing like a canary. Give me to a friend who's taking a trip and I'll give you the whole story when I return. Just please don't make me sit in the same place too long.